
A vérzivataros XX. században számtalan egymásnak ellentmondó ideológia született és ezek mentén a háborúk. Ma arra panaszkodnak a szakemberek, hogy a hagyományos bal és jobboldali ideológiák kifulladtak, az emberiség vezető eszmerendszer nélkül maradt. Most azonban megszületett az új republikánus irányzat, amely túlmutat a bal és jobboldal idejét múlta világán. ->

Repport /ENG/

In the 20th century full of bloody rain, countless conflicting ideologies – and with them – wars were born. Nowadays, professionals claim that traditional left- and rightwing ideologies ran down, the mankind remained without leading ideology. But now, a new republican civil trend is to be born which goes beyond the outdated world of left- or rightwing.->


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Marco Rubio


Amikor 2009-ben kampányt indítottam az Egyesült Államok szenátori pozíciójáért, túl nagy vállalkozásnak tartották és nagy bukást vártak tőlem. De érvényesültünk, mert megfogadtuk, hogy szembeszállunk Washington meggondolatlan kiadásaival és a szabadpiaci rendszer támadása ellen. Ma büszke vagyok, hogy Florida államot képviselhetem az Egyesült Államok Szenátusában, ahol azon dolgozom, hogy ígéretemet megvalósítsam, azaz helyreállítsam a költségvetési fegyelmet és nagyobb bizonyosságot adjak a munkahelyteremtőknek, hogy új vállalkozásokat indítsanak vagy bővítsék a már meglévőket.


Makay Zsolt


MAKAY Zsolt, Halmi (Erdély) 1977. 08. 16.


Amikor 2010-ben hitet tettem Magyarország rendszerváltó pártja, a Magyar Demokrata Fórum (MDF) megmentése és megújítása mellett, kevesen hittek a küldetés sikerében. Politikai közösségünk a szellemi hagyaték megmentése és a megújítás jegyében, megtartva a jogfolytonosságot név- és arculatváltáson ment át. Ma, 2013-ban Jólét és Szabadság Demokrata Közösség néven szervezzük a középjobboldali, konzervatív, keresztény politizálás új generációját Magyarországon.



2013.07.24. 23:08 Makay.Zsolt

BIOGRAPHY Zsolt MAKAY, Halmi (Transylvania), August 16th 1977

When I put my faith in the rescue and renewal of the Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF), leading party of the system change in Hungary, few believed in my mission’s success. In the name of the rescue and renewal of our intellectual legacy, maintaining legal continuity, our political community went through a complete re-branding. Today, in 2013, we are organizing the new generation of mid-right-wing, Christian-Conservative politics in Hungary under the name “Democratic Community for Welfare and Freedom”. 

My aim is to redirect our community having historical roots to the Hungarian Parliament. With representing the forgotten civil ideas, we wish to remove the system change’s inbred and stiff elite’s frowzy air and replace it with fresh air. 

I started my political career in the Hungarian Democratic Forum in 1997. I was a county representative for eight years between 2002 and 2010, but I simultaneously got to know the national policy, too. MDF marched into history as the leading party of the Hungarian system change. Its former president, József Antall was from 1990 until his death in 1993 Hungary’s first free-elected prime minister. I went through the officials’ structure step by step: I was city chairman in Debrecen at the age of 23, and a county chairman at the age of 26. In 2004, I became an alternate member of the national presidency and a full member in 2006, and so on. After the leading party of the Hungarian system change fell out of the Parliament during the 2010 parliamentary elections, in June 2010, I was elected as president of the party. I am still practicing this position. 

To treat my severe allergies, my family moved to Hungary when I was very young, but I was born in a small village in Transylvania, Romania, so I was born to be a Hungarian beyond the borders. (Transylvania was part of historical Hungary until World War I when it was taken away from Hungary because of the Treaty of Trianon.) So no wonder, that I am interested both in the national and in the international policy. I studied at the High School of Reformed College in Debrecen, then, after obtaining the secondary school’s leaving certificate, I continued my studies at the University of Debrecen, at the university of the “Calvinist Rome” where I graduated in political science (2003). Male members of my family were Reformed ministers – so my Christian-Conservative world vision is rooted in this. But the fact that I started a political career is completely new in my family’s history. 

I also owe my wife Renata to politics, because we met during the campaign of 2006. We married in 2009; our son Ábel Botond is going to be three years old in September, and his little sister, our family’s youngest member, Emma Lelle is only a few months old.

emb0� nl�� �:� es, kishúga, családunk legfiatalabb tagja, Emma Lelle alig néhány hónapos. 


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