
A vérzivataros XX. században számtalan egymásnak ellentmondó ideológia született és ezek mentén a háborúk. Ma arra panaszkodnak a szakemberek, hogy a hagyományos bal és jobboldali ideológiák kifulladtak, az emberiség vezető eszmerendszer nélkül maradt. Most azonban megszületett az új republikánus irányzat, amely túlmutat a bal és jobboldal idejét múlta világán. ->

Repport /ENG/

In the 20th century full of bloody rain, countless conflicting ideologies – and with them – wars were born. Nowadays, professionals claim that traditional left- and rightwing ideologies ran down, the mankind remained without leading ideology. But now, a new republican civil trend is to be born which goes beyond the outdated world of left- or rightwing.->


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Marco Rubio


Amikor 2009-ben kampányt indítottam az Egyesült Államok szenátori pozíciójáért, túl nagy vállalkozásnak tartották és nagy bukást vártak tőlem. De érvényesültünk, mert megfogadtuk, hogy szembeszállunk Washington meggondolatlan kiadásaival és a szabadpiaci rendszer támadása ellen. Ma büszke vagyok, hogy Florida államot képviselhetem az Egyesült Államok Szenátusában, ahol azon dolgozom, hogy ígéretemet megvalósítsam, azaz helyreállítsam a költségvetési fegyelmet és nagyobb bizonyosságot adjak a munkahelyteremtőknek, hogy új vállalkozásokat indítsanak vagy bővítsék a már meglévőket.


Makay Zsolt


MAKAY Zsolt, Halmi (Erdély) 1977. 08. 16.


Amikor 2010-ben hitet tettem Magyarország rendszerváltó pártja, a Magyar Demokrata Fórum (MDF) megmentése és megújítása mellett, kevesen hittek a küldetés sikerében. Politikai közösségünk a szellemi hagyaték megmentése és a megújítás jegyében, megtartva a jogfolytonosságot név- és arculatváltáson ment át. Ma, 2013-ban Jólét és Szabadság Demokrata Közösség néven szervezzük a középjobboldali, konzervatív, keresztény politizálás új generációját Magyarországon.



2013.07.02. 11:00 Makay.Zsolt

Repport /ENG/

In the 20th century full of bloody rain, countless conflicting ideologies – and with them – wars were born. Nowadays, professionals claim that traditional left- and rightwing ideologies ran down, the mankind remained without leading ideology. But now, a new republican civil trend is to be born which goes beyond the outdated world of left- or rightwing.

The point of the new republican civil ideology is to realize that the world is led by economic necessities and not by benefits provided to one or another (left- or rightwing) interest groups.

As Cicero formulated many centuries ago: “welfare of the people is the ultimate law”. This thesis is both true for small, big and the biggest communities, it permeates the whole globalized world today. Accordingly, the real challenge is to find the real economic interest groups, those whose members are not drifting from one side to an other and back because of an artificial ideological choice but whose members are together because of their real interest-communities in the long run. Regarding the economic interest-communities, preferences should be made: who is in what kind of relationship with others.

The number one economic interest-community is nothing more than the family. For this reason, the republican civil trend utmost rejects the inheritance tax. And it is for drastically reducing the savings and investment taxes.

The number two interest-community is the corporation whose capital gains tax should be reduced and who has to participate in the local taxation, not in the state funding.

The number three interest-community is the state – but it cannot overwrite the laws of the interest-community number one and two with its own rules. For this reason, the state should be efficient and professional. It has to reduce taxes and simplify the tax and law system. As the only right way to go, the central budget has to target not to exceed 20% of the GDP, and its balance has to be break-even. (It is well known where the budget revenues are more than 50% of the GDP, there is not a healthy market economy.)

The number four interest-community is the federal system that the state should continually develop because of community interests. Trade agreements should be made with as many countries as possible; agreements that promote and facilitate cooperation between the parties. The federal system has to act effectively against those who break the rules of the economic interest-community.

The number five interest-community is the global world. The republicans want to put the focus on basic research, exploration of energy reserves, energy investments, and quick and professional assessment of grants. Our joint attention should be paid to the cognition of the universe.

Consequently, the focus of the republican civil ideology is again the family – as generated by lot of different ideologies in history. Families as fundamental human and economic resources and as potential sources of prosperity for the people.


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