
A vérzivataros XX. században számtalan egymásnak ellentmondó ideológia született és ezek mentén a háborúk. Ma arra panaszkodnak a szakemberek, hogy a hagyományos bal és jobboldali ideológiák kifulladtak, az emberiség vezető eszmerendszer nélkül maradt. Most azonban megszületett az új republikánus irányzat, amely túlmutat a bal és jobboldal idejét múlta világán. ->

Repport /ENG/

In the 20th century full of bloody rain, countless conflicting ideologies – and with them – wars were born. Nowadays, professionals claim that traditional left- and rightwing ideologies ran down, the mankind remained without leading ideology. But now, a new republican civil trend is to be born which goes beyond the outdated world of left- or rightwing.->


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Marco Rubio


Amikor 2009-ben kampányt indítottam az Egyesült Államok szenátori pozíciójáért, túl nagy vállalkozásnak tartották és nagy bukást vártak tőlem. De érvényesültünk, mert megfogadtuk, hogy szembeszállunk Washington meggondolatlan kiadásaival és a szabadpiaci rendszer támadása ellen. Ma büszke vagyok, hogy Florida államot képviselhetem az Egyesült Államok Szenátusában, ahol azon dolgozom, hogy ígéretemet megvalósítsam, azaz helyreállítsam a költségvetési fegyelmet és nagyobb bizonyosságot adjak a munkahelyteremtőknek, hogy új vállalkozásokat indítsanak vagy bővítsék a már meglévőket.


Makay Zsolt


MAKAY Zsolt, Halmi (Erdély) 1977. 08. 16.


Amikor 2010-ben hitet tettem Magyarország rendszerváltó pártja, a Magyar Demokrata Fórum (MDF) megmentése és megújítása mellett, kevesen hittek a küldetés sikerében. Politikai közösségünk a szellemi hagyaték megmentése és a megújítás jegyében, megtartva a jogfolytonosságot név- és arculatváltáson ment át. Ma, 2013-ban Jólét és Szabadság Demokrata Közösség néven szervezzük a középjobboldali, konzervatív, keresztény politizálás új generációját Magyarországon.



2013.07.24. 23:31 Makay.Zsolt


When I launched my campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2009, I was considered a long shot and was predicted to lose big.  But we prevailed on a pledge to stand up to Washington’s reckless spending and its assault on the free enterprise system.  Today, I’m proud to represent Florida in the U.S. Senate where I’m working to fulfill my promise to restore fiscal discipline and give job creators more certainty and confidence to open new businesses or expand existing ones.

My faith in America’s promise was shaped early on by my parents who left Cuba in 1956 and, after Fidel Castro solidified his communist grip, were never able to return.  In America, my father Mario worked mostly as a bartender, while my mom worked different jobs through the years as a maid, cashier and retail clerk. I was born in Miami and spent my early years there, moved to Las Vegas for several years and eventually returned to Miami, where I live today with my wife Jeanette and our four children.

Regardless of where we lived, it was what I saw within the walls of our home that shaped my life. I saw two hard-working parents devote themselves to ensure that my siblings and I had opportunities they never had.  It was America’s commitment to limited government and free enterprise that opened doors for me.  And it’s this same free enterprise system that’s under assault today.

Since I’ve been in the Senate, I have proudly been on the side of job creators and parents whose mission in life is to build a strong and prosperous America their children will be blessed to inherit.  I’ve supported efforts to “Cut-Cap-and-Balance” our budget; add a strong Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution; save Medicare; repeal ObamaCare; oppose short-sighted budget gimmicks and spending plans; and approve job-creating free trade agreements.  And I opposed raising the debt ceiling in the absence of real measures to control our long-term spending problem and provide greater certainty to job creators. 

I’ve also engaged in our national conversation about America’s foreign policy and proudly articulated my beliefs about America’s national interests in opposing dangerous tyrants, standing with freedom fighters and being a forceful voice for democracy and human rights. In the course of my work, I’ve especially felt blessed to meet and represent so many patriotic, courageous men and women who put their lives on the line for us every day.

Throughout my time in office, I have delivered several major speeches that I hope will be part of an ongoing conversation about what it will take to lead America toward a more secure and prosperous future.  Below are some of these speeches, which I invite you to watch:

Much work remains to be done in 2012.  We still have a growing debt that recently exceeded $15 trillion.  We have essential Social Security and Medicare programs that are going bankrupt and need to be saved.  We have millions of unemployed Americans in need of work.  And we face increasing turmoil abroad as the Iranian nuclear threat grows and people remain brutalized and enslaved by cruel governments.  As your U.S. senator, I look forward to working on these and many other issues on your behalf.

Thank you.  May God bless you and your family.  And may God bless the United States.


Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000 to 2008 and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2010. His committee assignments currently include Commerce, Science and Transportation; Foreign Relations; Intelligence; and Small Business and Entrepreneurship. He and his wife, Jeanette, have four young children and live in West Miami.


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